Sunday, May 26, 2024


Some years ago, the Lord showed me a vision of the judgment seat of Christ. The rapture had taken place and the raptured church was lined up by congregations all around Christ’s throne room. I was third in line with my church. In front of me was Sister Ferguson, and in front of her was Sister McGarry. She was having a conversation with Jesus that no one could hear but the two of them. It lasted a long time.

Meanwhile, I was standing there trembling with nervousness and saying to myself, “Oh, please let me hear Him say well done.” Over and over, I kept repeating this to myself with my hands clutched in front of my face. Finally, Sister McGarry let out a great big shout of rejoicing and two angels led her away.

It was Sister Ferguson’s turn. She stepped up and began speaking with Jesus, but no one could hear their conversation but the two of them. They spoke a long time, while I stood behind her still praying, “Please let me hear Him say well done.” I knew the parable Jesus told in Matthew 25 about the talents. The two servants who had doubled what their master entrusted to them, were commended and rewarded… “Well done good and faithful servants. You have been faithful over a few things; I will make you rulers over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

Finally, Sister Ferguson also let out a great big shout of rejoicing and two angels led her away.

Now it was my turn. I stepped up before Jesus’ throne still praying silently, “Please let me hear Him say well done.” When Jesus and I locked eyeballs, He smiled at me and nodded His head up and down. He knew my thoughts and responded affirmatively. I let out a great big shout of rejoicing and two angels led me away.


When the church is raptured out of this world, we will have a Day when we all stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive the rewards for our works which we have done in our walk with the Lord. There will be an assessment of the quality of our work (did we build with gold, silver, and precious stones, or did we build with wood, hay, and straw?). We will be rewarded based on that assessment. Good work will be rewarded with a crown of rejoicing. In that parable about the talents, Jesus said to the good and faithful servants, “Well done, you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many."

Those who are ineffective in their work for Christ will still be saved but there will be few, if any, eternal rewards waiting for them in heaven (1Cor. 3:15). Jesus said in the Matthew 25 parable that the faithful servants would be rulers over many things. I'm looking forward to eternal life with Christ.

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove