❇My Devotional❇

30-Day Spirit Led Devotions
Volume 1
by Dee Richardson

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Day One Devotion
Safe in The Arms of Jesus

As a kid, did you ever play the game, Hide and Seek? The person who is “it” counts down while the players run and hide, then “it” comes to seek for them and if found, they’re out. However, he must also keep his base covered because if someone runs and touches base while he is seeking other players, that player is marked as safe. When no other players can be found, the person who is it yells “calling all the outs in free”. All those who were not found can come out of hiding and are marked as safe. The last person marked as out gets to be “it” on the next round.

There were times when I had found a “really good hiding place” and I didn’t want anyone to know about it because then I could hide there on each round and be safe. That’s what dwelling in the secret place of the Most High means to me. It’s like having that “really good hiding place” that none of life’s “its” can find.

To dwell is to reside, live or make a particular place one’s abode… a resting place. God is our refuge and fortress; therefore, we are safe in His arms. He calls all the outs in free and safe. In His presence is fullness of joy. (Psalm 16:11)


Closing Verse:  He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2 New King James Version)