Friday, March 01, 2024


I can count on one hand, the times that the Lord has spoken to me one-on-one. It has been very few. He usually speaks through Scripture, or a sermon, or Bible study, or a conversation with another Christian.

But I had one occasion on January 8, 2022, early one morning as I sat in the living room, the Lord spoke to me as I wrote it down. I had said to the Lord, "I don’t want to be afraid of what You will ask me to do. I have struggled with this fear for a long time. Afraid to say, 'Here am I send me.' Please help me with this. Help me have faith. Help me to finish well. In Jesus’ name, Amen." Here was the Lord's response...

Daughter, I know you are concerned about whether you will be able to complete what I might ask you to do. I want you to remember the Tug of War vision I gave you.

It does not have to be hard. When I am on your side, you have all My power available to you. They will be the ones struggling on the other side of the rope. You will be the one pulling the rope. It is a test of strength, and I am your strength. If I am for you, I am more than the world against you.

Thank you for watching the Michael Todd sermon yesterday. I know your heart, and can see your heart’s concerns long before you pray, and I know why you’re asking for those petitions.

Like Job, you also eschew, shun, and hate evil. Many of your prayers are the result of those concerns. Elijah was one man, and he prayed boldly and I answered him. Always feel free to commit your prayers and concerns to Me. I know you don’t regard Me as your Butler. Together we can effect significant change.

I know the plans I have for you. Continue to seek Me, I am gently guiding you into your destiny. Continue doing what you are doing. Everything will work out. I will make sure of that.

I need to show you how I’m able to provide for you. Let your hand go limp in My hand so I can take the lead and do for you what I want without your assistance.

You have a habit of telling Me how to work out your prayer concerns, but that’s not necessary. Submit your prayers boldly at My throne of grace then stand assured that I received them. If what you committed to Me is not in My will. I will work it out some other way. But I’m not ignoring your prayers. Sometimes by the time you pray about something I am already working on it behind the scenes. It may seem like nothing is happening, but that is where your patience is needed, to trust that I care enough about you to see to your every need and concern.

You are My beloved child and nothing gets by Me that concerns you. Let that get rooted and grounded in your soul so when you’re tempted to believe the lie, that I have abandoned you, you will still stand assured that I, the Good Shepherd, am watching over you.

Ephesians 6:13 (NLT) Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

You have heard it said to whom much is given, much is required. I do not want you to be overwhelmed about the journey. I am with you. There is no need to get panicked. Continue doing what you’re doing for now. Seek me. Stay in My presence. Stay focused so you may hear my instructions.

Don’t forget I am good, and you are dearly loved. I will get you to the other side.


To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove