Friday, August 26, 2022


When I used to hear people saying, you are blessed if God woke you up this morning, I did not whole heartedly agree. I never thanked the Lord for waking me up in the morning. What I saw was if I had not woken up, then I would be in heaven with Jesus and that is far better than toiling through the day down here.

One day God gave me a different perspective. Living here on earth is an opportunity to be a light for Him, to bless others through Him, to be an active citizen of His kingdom on earth. The apostle Paul said, “For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” To wake up in the morning is an opportunity for devotion to Christ, to be used by Him as an instrument and vessel for what He is doing here on earth. To die is to be with Him face-to-face in heaven, but He is still with me here on earth.

So… now when I get out of bed in the morning I can say, “Thank You for waking me up Daddy. What do You need me to do today?”

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove