Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Be Careful Who You Follow

Recently, I saw a story in the news about a marathon runner that had run a long race and was in first place to win. He had a huge lead over the other runners and was sure to take the gold medal. The TV cameras had been filming him from the back of a pick up truck for several miles but when they came close to the final stretch, the pick up turned off to get out of the way. The runners were supposed to keep straight but instead the runner followed the TV camera. By the time he realized that he was going the wrong way, the other runners had passed him and he ended up in tenth place. That story taught me that I should be very careful about who I follow in life. Be sure the people leading you are heading in the right direction or else you could end up down a dead end road. Be a wise follower -- a critical thinker. Run your own race and don't let other people get you sidetracked.