Thursday, June 27, 2024


Many years ago, the Lord showed me a vision… I was walking down a path and passed a tree stump and had a vague feeling that I had been there before, but I couldn’t remember so, I shrugged my shoulders and continued down the path, passing others, and seeing their faces. I came to the tree stump again and stopped… trying to remember where I had seen it before. I still couldn’t remember so I shrugged my shoulders again and continued down the path a second time. A third time, I came back to the tree stump and said, “Now, I know I’ve been here before.” At that precise moment, I looked to the right to see other people that had been on the path with me, going up to higher ground and I shrugged my shoulders again and continued back down the path a third time.

A mentor named Sharmaine once said to me, “There is a temperament, a character, a compassion, a long suffering and many other traits of God that have to be downloaded within you to sustain you in what God is calling you to do ultimately.”

This download is accomplished through testing and trials that the Father permits, or in some cases He orchestrates in order to prepare us for the purpose He has planned for us.

The reason the Lord sent me that vision, is because I was not learning the lessons He was trying to teach me. The tree stump represents the end of the trial, that I kept coming to and not getting the understanding that the trial should’ve taught me. So as others leveled up through the same trial, I would go back through it again.

June 27, 2024

During morning devotion, I came across this statement. “Whom God calls, He equips them with all they need for doing His will.” I wanted to be encouraged by this but my strength and my faith has dwindled in the long wait for my needs to be met.

I remembered the vision of the stump that the Lord had shown me a long time ago and I wrote down, “Around and around I go, passing this stump once again.” I prayed, “Lord, please give me understanding. Unless You help me I will continue to circle pass this stump repeatedly, again and again.

Later in the morning, I got down on my knees and prayed a sincere prayer to the Lord about my relationship with Him. I asked the Holy Spirit to make intercession for me. I prayed a long time till the Lord led me to go watch Karen Wheaton’s video that she uploaded last night. It was definitely a word from the Lord.

When I finished her video, I saw that Gregory Dickow had uploaded a video called, “A Prayer For Financial Breakthrough.” I watched that video as well and prayed along with him.

As soon as that was done another video was on the screen without a title. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it, and it was Lauren Daigle singing, “You’re Gonna Be Okay.”

I got back down on my knees after the song and I saw me walking down that path toward the stump, and going uphill to higher ground. This time, I didn’t pass the stump again, I elevated to higher ground. I wept, and gave glory to God. I’m going to be okay.

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove