Thursday, May 23, 2024


When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I had a dream that a fish out of water was chasing me down the beach and I was running for my life, full speed ahead in a panic.

A fish out of water is one that is away from their element and usual environment. It is a person who feels awkward because they’re different from most others. This element of feeling awkward has chased me down for most of my life, because I am a fish out of water. Now, at the age of 60, I have come to fully accept me, and love me, for who I am and I’m totally okay with being different. The only problem I have with this revelation is that it took 54 years to figure it out.

God knew when I was 6, that He would bless me with the gift of writing. An important trait of writers is that we thrive on solitude, because how can you complete writing projects if you don’t have quiet time?

My husband says, “I don’t see how you can do it.” The pandemic nearly drove him crazy because everyone was required to practice social distancing, but he just desperately needed to get out of the house. But social distancing didn’t affect me at all. In fact, I loved it. It was the positive aspect of COVID for me.

When I was in elementary school, I hated recess! All the kids were playing on the slides, and swings, and jungle gyms, but I just stood on the grass and watched them. When it was time to go back to class, I ran to the building.

You have to be okay with you, not being okay with you… and don’t let 54 years go by before you figure that out!

I’m no longer in a panic running from that fish. I stopped… turned around… and gave it a great big ole’ bear hug.

Go in peace. ✌

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove