One day (about 20 something years ago), I heard the word "dazzling". It just came out of nowhere, and I knew it wasn't me. For several weeks this went on... and on... and on. I kept seeing and hearing the word dazzling but had no clue what it was in reference to.
One day my former husband brought me home a candle that had the word dazzling on the label. I knew that God had moved on him to gift me with that because he didn't know anything about my hearing this word over and over.
I sat down to watch the movie Sabrina (Harrison Ford's version)... and low and behold I got the reference. Sabrina was a chauffer's daughter and she was in love with the young son of the family her father drove for, but the son did not know she was even alive.
They paid for her to go to work in Paris France, and when she returned she had changed dramatically. Suddenly, now the young son noticed Sabrina. He invited her to their mother's birthday party. As they danced that beautiful evening, he said to Sabrina, "Do you know how beautiful you are?" She dropped her head and said, "No." He said, "You're dazzling."
❗Oh my God ❗
At the same exact moment both me and Sabrina said, "Dazzling?"
(13 second YouTube clip of that scene)
I never saw that coming. And up to that point, I had never-ever seen a dazzling me when I looked in the mirror, or at photos of myself.
Fast forward to 2024. I turned 60 years old on my last birthday. My hair started thinning and falling out. I prayed about it and I'm not seeing so much hair in the combs anymore, but the Lord took me way back to that time when He had taken me from self-loathing to self-acceptance.
I've started reciting verses from the Song of Solomon as a way to rebuild my confidence, because if God says I'm dazzling, then for sure I'm dazzling... and so are you. So are you!
Song of Solomon 4:1-2 (TLB) King Solomon: "How beautiful you are, my love, how beautiful! Your eyes are those of doves. Your hair falls across your face like flocks of goats that frisk across the slopes of Gilead. Your teeth are white as sheep's wool, newly shorn and washed; perfectly matched, without one missing.🌺
I'm dazzling because the Lord says I am.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove