Tuesday, August 16, 2022


I scrolled across the following on Steve Arterburn's Facebook page.

"We can cultivate quiet hearts for ourselves - growing contentment and peace - by soaking ourselves in God's word and presence. The more we spend time with God, reading and meditating on His promises, the more our circumstances fade into the background. When we settle our hearts on God, our perspective changes; what we have and where we are satisfies us. We don't feel like we need more to make us happy. We begin to see and focus on how far God has brought us instead of how far we have left to go. Jesus becomes more real and present, and his supernatural peace calms our hearts. The Holy Spirit can then remind us of the verses we've learned - exactly when we need them."

It's amazing that I came across this post because I felt it was a word to me from the Lord. I had said to Him, "I know You're the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. But something must be wrong here because I'm experiencing a lot of Alpha and not nearly enough Omega. There seems to be a lot of starting up and not enough completions in my life."

Steve Arterburn said with God's contentment we feel satisfied and don't feel desperate for more because He changes our perspective. So my feelings of discontentment can be resolved by meditating in the word of God.

I have a sneaking suspicion though, that some of the Alpha stuff I'm starting up might be me and not God. That is why they don't come to fruition.

I started listening to an audio recording of the New Testament, starting in Matthew, and it's blessing me already. I'm reading along with her in my Bible and I keep getting fresh revelation from Scriptures I've read many times but didn't see it.

The Lord admonished Joshua to focus on the written word of God and meditate on it day and night and carefully follow what it says. Only then could he be prosperous and have good success.

Joshua 1:8 (NLT) Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

So while I'm waiting for the Omega stuff to come along, I can be quite content in the right here and now because God finishes what He starts. Go in peace. 

Listen to this song called
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Lauren Daigle

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove