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There are times when we may feel that God is not communicating with us, and we begin to feel a lot of confusion. We feel lost and disoriented about how and where He is even leading us as we stand at the crossroads trying to figure out what to do and which way to go. We wonder, “Why aren’t my prayers being answered?”
Young Joseph received a dream of greatness at the tender age of 17. People were going to be humbly bowing down to him. From 17 years old and until the dream came to pass, Joseph endured many hard trials. It must’ve been terribly confusing remembering the dream and seeing what he was going through at the time. The two did not seem to match up.
In Genesis 39 it says twice that the Lord was with Joseph. That says it all. Even though Joseph may have been confused about the events happening to him, he was still in the presence of God, and God had not left him for a minute.
The experiences in Joseph’s life taught him that God brings inherent good from bad situations, for those who trust Him. He has the ability to overrule evil intentions to bring about His intended purpose.
Romans 8:28 NKJV And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
The Bible says…
The Lord was with Joseph. (Gen 39:2, 21)
The Lord was with Abraham. (Gen
The Lord was with Isaac. (Gen 26:24)
The Lord was with Jacob. (Gen 28:15)
The Lord was with Joshua. (Josh
The Lord was with Samuel. (1 Sam
The Lord was with King David. (2 Sam
The Lord was with Hezekiah. (2 Kings
The Lord was with Officer Phinehas.
(1 Chron 9:20)
The Lord was with King Jehoshaphat.
(2 Chron 17:3)
The Lord was with John the Baptist.
(Luke 1:66)
The Lord was with Jesus. (John 8:29)
The Lord was with Paul and Barnabas.
(Acts 11:21)
and He says, “Surely, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Discombobulated means to be confused and distressed.
But recombobulate means to cause to think clearly again; to reorient and
put back into working order.