Saturday, April 09, 2022


I heard a story about a newborn baby girl named Hope. She was in the hospital on a ventilator because she couldn't breathe on her own. The Saints of God came and prayed for Hope.

Not long after that, the nurse came and saw that Hope’s ventilator had become detached, but she was breathing perfectly on her own. God had healed her. Not only Hope, but the baby laying across from her was also miraculously healed, for that baby’s ventilator also became detached but the baby was still breathing on its own. I believe someone in the group had also prayed to God for that baby. Hope is all grown up now and is an anointed praise leader for God.

The nurse caring for these two babies was so encouraged by these miracles that she began to believe God for her broken marriage. God also answered her prayers and restored the couple's marriage.

Keep hope alive.

Keep believing.

When you feel your hope fading, seek God to restore it.

Sometimes our endurance does not seem to outlast the trial. But God has given us His Comforter (Holy Spirit) who is able to keep us encouraged, for what God has promised He will bring to pass.

The Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled (Rom. 15:4). When you feel hopeless, ask God for a word. A word spoken in due season, how good it is!

To God be the glory!
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove đź•Š