Sunday, January 23, 2022

Let's Go Higher

A story is told about a group of eaglets hatched in captivity and spent their whole lives like ordinary birds, on the low lands, eating what they were fed and not being bothered about it, because they didn't know any different.  They didn't know they could soar at heights no other birds could reach.  They didn't know about the strength in their claws that could clutch other animals rendering them defenseless.  Living in captivity, they didn't know that their eyesight was so keen they could spot a rabbit moving almost a mile away.

Zion, God has put the power in us to soar at high altitudes. Yet, we continue to fly at low altitudes, living far beneath our privilege, and the Lord is saying "why won't My people raise the standard"?

LET US rise up as children of Almighty God.  Put on your strength. Stand up and fight.  Let Zion prevail.  With His power and might, we will not fail.

LET US take up our swords and fight. Defeat the enemy with the word of God.

LET US become rooted and grounded in the love of Christ and know that absolutely nothing can separate us from it.

LET US not settle in mediocrity because God wants to take us higher and higher.

LET US stop being weaklings and declare that we are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

LET US walk in the authority Christ gave us through His name.

LET US believe in the power of the Holy Spirit who is at work in us and is able to carry out the will of God for our lives.

LET US suit up and go.

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove