Monday, January 10, 2022

Catch and Release

Many years ago, the Lord showed me a vision. My ex-husband and I was fishing off a pier. A fish got on my line, and I assumed it was huge because he fought me violently. I kept yelling at my ex, “I got a big one! I got a big one!” But he would not come to my aid. I fought with this fish until I finally got him to the surface. Low and behold, it wasn’t a fish at all. It was someone at church that I was severely offended with. When I saw the person's face on my hook, the Lord said, “Now let them off the hook!” It wasn’t a request. It was a command. I released the fish from my hook and threw it back in the water.

I had to forgive this person, although I had no idea how to deal with the heartache and offense, I said, “I forgive you.” Not long after that, the person became severely ill. When I found out how sick they were I became sad and so extremely concerned about this person that all of my offense seemed to slip away, as I grappled with what this person must be going through. God healed them… and me. I was healed of the heartache and offense they had caused. Unforgiveness is like poison, only it doesn’t affect the offender. It is the offended that is dying a slow and painful death. For your sake let them off the hook and throw them back in the water. Ask God to heal your hurts and move on. Forgiveness does not mean you have to be friends. It just makes room to move on.

Love keeps no record of being wronged. 1 Cor. 13:4

Have a great day! 🤗

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove