Saturday, December 25, 2021

My Question to the Lord About His Plans

Search for Hope Series

Search for Hope is a series of questions and answers between me and the Lord concerning my prayers. The Lord's answers are so profound that I want to share them with you. Here is question #2 in the series.

12/24/2021 I know You have plans for my life. It has been proven and confirmed time and again. But what’s mind boggling is what You want “me” to do. You’ve got me so far in the dark about Your plans till I don’t know whether to turn, go forward, or stay put. ● Six years ago, I had been praying about whether to go back to work or enter ministry. You had been using me in a way that made me think the door might be open. While going around Dead Man’s Curve on Highway 175, I saw a church marquee that said, “Do God’s Work and Will.” Hark!! A word from the Lord! I stopped job hunting and focused on ministry. ALL my bills got behind in spite of my cries for help. Clearly, You were not trying to assist me in that regard. Someone said, “Where God guides, He provides!” Not so in my case. I found a job and finally got back on my feet. ● Why did I think You were telling me to go into full-time ministry? Sometimes when I hear a song on the radio or an unexpected post come through my Facebook feed I will feel like it's a word from the Lord confirming my petitions but then it never seems to manifest. It just keeps getting my hopes up over and over to be disappointed again and again. This has happened many, many, many times. ● If a song comes on the radio at the precise moment I start my car, and ministers to me so profoundly that I have to believe it was from God, why do I keep being disappointed? There has been several other occasions when I felt in the dark, and kept out of the loop about Your plans for me. I can understand that You don’t want to show me the full picture at once, but I should at least know what the next step is, so I know what You want me to do. How can I obey You when I am totally in the dark about what You want me to do? I’m bumping into stuff and making a complete idiot of myself in the darkness. ● Thank You for letting me come boldly to Your throne of grace with my complaint. I will wait to see what You have to say and how You will plainly answer my dilemma.
Humbly yours, Voice of the Dove

Here is the Lord's response.

12/25/2021 Do you remember the time you were being fingerprinted by the police officer for a job? Both you and he were competing for control of your hand so he could press it on the ink pad and then on the paper. Both of you were trying to control your hand at the same time. Then when he told you to close your eyes, your hand went limp in his, and he was able to guide your fingers without your assistance.

You have a tendency to be too independent and I am training you to trust and rely on Me. I am using your confusion to increase your dependence on Me. When stumbling around in the dark, you have no other alternative but to trust Me for guidance. I'm allowing these things (like the church sign) to throw you off balance and drive you to Me.

When you feel certain, you tend to go your way, but you cannot have your certainty and My confidence too. I cannot guide you in a way that you can predict too easily. The only path to true confidence and dependency is through confusion. That is when I am fully in control, like when you closed your eyes and your hand went limp in the police officer's. I cannot allow you to get stuck in a system that will short circuit your faith.

I want you to seek Me first in everything. Get in the habit of acknowledging Me in everything; look to Me for counsel, and I will direct your paths. I am teaching you to make My presence your priority.

Your whole life as you came through school I taught you good study habits, for such a time as this. When you need guidance, get in My word and I will counsel you and give you wisdom. Your way out of the darkness is through Me, your Good Shepherd. I know My sheep. I am able to lead you in a way that you can go in and out and find fresh, tender, green pasture. Ask Me. I will give it to you. Seek Me. I will show you how. Knock. I will open the door for you. I don't want you out there independently making things happen, I need you dependent on Me to make it happen. I will still send songs and messages through other means, but I want you to always confirm it through Me.

For the rest of your life, let Me be your guide and you will never be confused again. I love you too much to let your faith short circuit. Seek Me with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and you will most certainly find Me, I'll make sure of that. I love your independent spirit but lay it aside and make My presence your priority.
