Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Stand Still and See

Something I Wrote Five Years Ago On This Date


At the time I wrote the above note I was very depressed and feeling very hopeless. I hated the job I was on and didn't know what to do. My history with the Lord was sketchy when it came to feeling disappointed about unanswered prayers. Less than a month after I wrote this, He closed the door on that job and opened the door to a better one that I was with for 4 years. I didn't have to quit and I didn't get fired. The company moved to a new location, and I chose not to make the transition in the middle of all the chaos.

In my 22-year relationship with the Lord, many times He chose not to answer my prayers in the manner I was expecting, but in the end it worked out. In this case, He took me out of a depressing situation and I didn't have to do anything... but not return. I stood still and the mountain moved.

Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you to deliver you.

Brian Courtney Wilson -- Still

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove