Wednesday, October 27, 2021

When Life Gives You Lemons


I keep seeing this commercial of a young man that worked in an Amazon plant. In 2016, his brother got really sick and died. Two years later, his mother also got sick and died. In both instances, he was the caretaker and it awakened in him a desire to become a nurse.

I happen to be suffering a hard trial of my own right now, but as I watched that commercial, I said to myself, “Now here is a man that life threw lemons at, but he decided to open up a lemonade stand.” How many more people will be helped in his lifetime by his becoming a nurse? How healing will it be for him as he cares for others, knowing it is the result of how he cared for his loved ones? If he had not endured his mother and brother’s illnesses, he may have never discovered this seed lying dormant in him.

Life gave him lemons... there was nothing he could do about the passing of his loved ones, but he picked up the broken pieces of his heart and made something new. At the end of the commercial, he speaks to his mother and brother in his native language and says, "You will always be in my heart."

He encouraged me. I said, “When my trial is over, I am going to do the same. I will not let this pain in my heart be for nothing. With God’s help, I will take these lemons and help somebody else.

When life gives you lemons, open up a lemonade stand.

Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove