Gospel artist, Shirley Caesar shared a story about a time when she
was 12 years old. She, her sister, and brother were playing church on the
back porch of their house. They would impersonate folks they saw worshiping at
their church on Sundays. Shirley and her sister were the congregation, and their brother
was the pastor.
Her brother (pretending to lead a praise) said, “I want you to jump up and down three times and shout Jesus.” She jumped up and down two times, but on that third time, she could not sit back down. The Holy Spirit overwhelmed her, and she began giving God a serious praise. She said it was like fire shut up in her bones.
Shirley’s sister ran into the house and told their mother that Shirley Ann was outside playing with the Lord. When their mother came to the back door, she saw Shirley Caesar praising God and rejoicing in the Spirit all over the back yard with tears streaming down her face.
She knew… Shirley was not playing church, she was caught up in a true spirit of praise that had just burst forth in their back yard.
There is something powerful about the name of Jesus. When her brother told them to jump up and down three times and shout His name, the consequence of just saying the name Jesus released power and an unexpected praise.
Philippians 2:9-11 God has highly exalted Jesus and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, those in heaven and those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
It’s hard to come in contact with Jesus and remain the same. (Quote from Shirley Caesar)
Psalm 97:5 (NKJV) The mountains (and hearts) melt like wax at the presence of the LORD.
Yours truly,
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove