Thursday, March 11, 2021

My Little Buttercup...

One of my choice things to do when I go on Facebook is watch my favorite preachers... and music videos of course, because I love music.

Sometimes, I'm astounded by how on point the word of God is. Hebrews 4:12 says it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. A week ago I decided to watch one of my favorites, Karen Wheaton, and she gave me an encouragement that I was really needing that day. There's no way she could've known other than the Holy Spirit led her to say those words. And yet she has thousands of followers but it felt like she was speaking only to me.

This is the way Holy Spirit rolls. Ms Karen used a yellow flower growing in the back pasture of her property to illustrate how our small contributions can make a big difference. She said, "Little buttercup, you're doing more good than you know." God didn't call all of us to be an international Billy Graham, but we can make a big difference, right where we are, in our small corner of the world.

Be blessed.

Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove