Friday, January 24, 2025


A friend of mine sent me a video called “How I Became a Decluttering Expert.” It’s Dana White’s story of how this capability was awakened in her. I loved her story. God helped her figure out how her brain works, and from there how to conquer the clutter problem she had struggled with her entire life.

I see my husband in her explanations. Organization comes naturally for me, it’s how I function even when I’m not trying. But my husband has no organizational skills whatsoever. Even when I set up space to organize and store his clutter, it never resolves the sloppiness, it actually expands it. She said that’s because of how the brain works. She noticed that where most organized people started, was where she might end up even when she attempted to declutter, and it was always temporary. Traditional organizing advice never made sense to her. She confessed that she was a slob. I totally see that in my husband. The tactics that come natural for me are foreign to him because of how his brain works.

Another thing she said that caught my attention was that starting her slob comes clean blog set her on a path of total honesty. She didn’t try to cover up anything, she openly confessed it all.

Jesus said to the apostle Paul that His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. From that, Paul got a revelation that he would rather celebrate his weaknesses so he could experience the mighty power of Christ more deeply. Dana White overcame her lifelong struggle by openly confessing them. Helping others to declutter became part of her calling.

I’m going to follow her teachings, and see if we can overcome this clutter problem in our home.

Here's that video:

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove