I came to Christ in the Spring of 1999, He immediately began to deal with me
about the unforgiveness weighing heavily in my heart.
I wrote down the names of
all the people I could think of that I needed to forgive. I went to the party
store and bought a bunch of helium balloons, and I attached that list of names
to the string and released them into the sky. I stood there and watched that
list of names float up, and up, and up into the sky until the balloons were completely out of
After that, anytime I recalled someone that had grieved me in the past, I would remind myself that it had floated up to Heaven on helium balloons, and I no longer had it. It became my visual reminder that all my grievances was with God in Heaven, and it no longer existed in my heart on earth.
To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove