Saturday, May 11, 2024


Heavenly Father,

For some time, You have been dealing with me about my independent spirit; trying to get me to let go of self-sufficiency. The greatest problem I’ve had with this transition is being dissatisfied with how others do things, so I feel compelled to just do it myself, like the lady in the Kayak commercial who takes down her scarecrow and climbs up on the bar and scare away the birds herself. That’s been me for a long time but we are now at the threshold of a new mindset and a new way of living and thinking about life. The other day I said to myself that my husband does not wash dishes like me and that is okay. No criticism. Just acceptance. I'm entering a new way of thinking.

I read in the Bible dictionary that true faith is confidence in God, not confidence in one’s self.

The apostle Paul said in 2Cor. 3:5 that we don’t have the right to claim that we have done anything on our own, but rather it is God who gives us what it takes to succeed. Jesus said that without Him we can do nothing. I’m happy that we have come to this transition, and new way of thinking.

I rearranged my office, and got rid of my To Do Lists so that I can be led by the Holy Spirit and follow His lead from day to day.

Last Friday Sheilenna sent me that Carrie Underwood song Jesus Take The Wheel. It was so on time. The lyrics say:  Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hands, cause I can’t do this on my own, I’m letting go, so give me one more chance, and save me from this road I’m on.

That is my prayer today Lord Jesus. You take the wheel. You be in charge. Without You I can do nothing, but with You I’m more than a conqueror, and nothing can separate me from Your love. That brings great consolation to my heart. Thank You my Lord. In Jesus’s name I humbly ask and pray. Amen.

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove