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Though Jesus Christ was the stone which the builders rejected—yet He is the Chief Cornerstone of God's entire plan of redemption. In Him alone we find salvation. Only by faith in Christ Jesus can we enter into the kingdom of God. Once we place our faith in Jesus, our adventure of faith begins.
Together, all believers form a habitation for God,
and are the stones being built upon the Chief Cornerstone. So let each one take
heed how he or she builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than
that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus (1 Cor. 3:11).
When I make my bed in the morning, I remind myself that what my hands find to do should be done with precision, and heartily as unto the Lord (Eccl. 9:10 & Col. 3:23-24). So also, it is with how we build on the precious Chief Cornerstone… how we build on His foundation… how we walk out this adventure of faith in Christ. Our lives should be a mirror that reflects the image of Christ. Build on that foundation as a master builder that others may see Him in us.
When I was growing up my mother used to quote to us often, "When a task is once begun, never leave it till it's done. Be the laborer great or small, do it well or not at all."
Don't build with inferior material, my friends, use the best you've got. Go in peace.