Sunday, October 29, 2023


I used to work in Downtown Dallas and I was asked to come in an hour early to work on a project. I was walking to the building from the parking lot. It was still dark outside and traffic was light, so I decided to jaywalk in the middle of the block instead of crossing at the corner as I usually did. I was walking with a spring in my step and singing out loud that last song that was playing on my car radio. As I stepped up onto the curb, the front of my sandal caught on the curb and caused me to body slam downward onto the concrete pavement. OUCH!

Humiliated, I jumped back up and dusted myself off, grabbed my purse and continued down the sidewalk. I arrived ten minutes early and had time to fix coffee and meet my teammates at the assigned time, but no one showed up. I was the only one that came in for the project. Imagine my dismay and my disappointment.

I had not been given any specifics for the project, which were to be outlined that same morning, so I dived in using my own best judgments as I proceeded. An hour and twenty minutes later, my teammates rambled in after I had progressed well into the project. The person that had the lead on the project began to walk back most of my progress by changing the decisions I had made.

This had been one of “those” mornings. I had fallen victim to the concrete pavement and to annoying and untrustworthy teammates. Now, I’m having to retrace my steps at no fault of my own. I’ll be honest, I was visibly disturbed, but I kept my mouth shut.

She had no way of knowing that I was having a bad morning prior to her intrusion, and the part she had played in it by being an hour and twenty minutes late.

I am one of those people that try to choose my battles wisely. I think if I had said anything, instead of keeping my mouth shut, it may not have come out the way I intended.

Later in the day, after I’d recovered, I did let her know that I was having a Murphy’s Law kind of morning, and the reasons I totally disagreed with her changes. I was able to forgive all the team members that left me high and dry there before the crack of dawn.

I pride myself on being an employee with integrity and have very little patience for those whose apathy effects my ability to do my job well. But there are so many personality types in the workplace, and no two are alike. It is imperative that we learn to watch our step with others who may not think, nor act just like us.

So, how should we respond when dealing with annoying people? The psalmist that wrote Psalm 121 said it best. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills... From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. The LORD is my keeper; the LORD is the shade at my right hand. The LORD shall preserve my going out and my coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.”

It is my opinion, that the wise thing to do is to get to know those who labor among us, using wisdom and counsel from the LORD in our dealings with them for the good of all… because we cannot change everybody. The lesson I learned in dealing with that particular coworker, was if I was going to be involved in a project with her, it was necessary to get all the information I needed up front, then I would not have to depend on her input to complete it.

To God be the glory.
Dee Richardson, Voice of the Dove